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VAM GROW (Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza) is our special R&D product. The microorganism are Glomermycotan fungi that colonise the rhizosphere (roots) of the plant hence the term Mycorrhiza. Colonies of fungi penetrate the cortical cells of roots of vascular plants and also extend far into the soil to absorb water and nutrients and deliver them directly from soil to the plant roots. Fungi excrete compounds that stimulate the plant to produce additional roots on which fungi can grow. The filaments of fungi retain moisture to bind and aggregate soil particles to improve physical soil conditions for more water infiltration, decreased surface run-off and increased water holding capacity. VAM produces powerful enzymes to dissolve tightly bound nutrients such as organic nitrogen, phosphorous, iron, zinc, sulphur and copper. The transfer of nutrients from soil to the cells of the root cortex is mediated by intracellular vesicles (which store nutrients) and arbuscles (which funnel these nutrients). We assure more than 100 viable Infective Propagules per gram of finished products.

VAM Grow increases the surface area of roots from 100 to 1000 times. It produces healthier and dense root system with improved ability to get nutrients from the soil.
Better and more balanced growth.
Significantly lower need of watering and fertilizer.
Increases draught resistance.
Reduces symptoms incited by disease producing organisms.
Enhances uptake of applied fertilizer Nitrogen. It also improves biological N fixation of legume by improving nodules formation.
Creates resistance to entry of pathogens and controls the population of rhizosphere microorganisms.
Controls the damage caused by nematodes.

Powder/Granules :
1 Kg & 4Kg
Liquid : 500 ml, 1ltr & 5ltrs.
Recommended Use: Suitable for all crops.


Mycoorrhiza (VAM) Technical is developed in our Laboratory. It is a very high quality research product developed through Belgium Technology.
Our product surpasses all VAM technologies available in the market because of our in house developed special recipe which helps to increase the results. Mycoorhiza Technical is used for making Mycorrhiza Formulation. We supply it in concentrated form. One KG of concentrate- M1 makes 500 Kg of formulation while One Kg of concentrate -M9 makes 20 Kg of formulation. M1 has our recipe while M9 is only culture. Recipe can be purchased separately.
We are already supplying Concentrate to many renowned corporate houses like Insecticides India Ltd, Crystal Crop Protection Ltd, Crop Chemicals India, Safex, Smith & Smith and many more for making either their own formulation or in collaboration with us.


Sai Gold is a natural crop enhancer. It contains Azotobacter bacteria which produce abundant slime that helps soil aggregation. Azotobacters bind the atmospheric Nitrogen which is inaccessible to plants and release it in the form of ammonium ions into the soil (15-20 Kg of biologically fixed Nitrogen). It also produces growth promoting substances and is also known to protect the plants from fungal diseases.
We assure Azobacter more than CFU count of 5×107 cell /gm of formulation in powder and CFU 1×108 per ml.

Improves general health of soil.
Decreases the quantity of N fertilizers by 15-20 Kg N/ha.
Better growth and higher yield of crops by 10-30%.
Better quality of crops.
Less cost and more profits to farmer.

Powder/Granules :
1Kg , 4 Kg.
Liquid : 500 ml, 1ltr.


SAI PSB is a high quality liquid bio-fertilizer. It contains phosphate solubilising bacteria which secrete organic acids and lower the pH in their vicinity to solubilise insoluble tricalcium phosphates in soils and make it available to plants to increase their phosphorous uptake. It also increases the activity of other root zone bacteria and improves the efficacy of phosphate fertilizers. It helps in use of atmospheric nitrogen by the plants.
Our product assures phosphate solubilzing bacteria more than CFU count of > 1 x107/ml.

Decreases the use of phosphate fertilizer like DAP by 40% and saves money.
Increases the crop yield by 10-50%.
Produces amino acids, vitamins and plant growth promoting substances for better plant growth.
Helps in food synthesis, flower formation, fruit setting and seed setting.
Essential for cell reproduction and growth of roots and shoot.

Powder/Granules :
1Kg , 4 Kg.
Liquid : 500 ml, 1ltr.
Recommended Use: It is a broad spectrum bio-fertilizers used for various crop like wheat, barley, rice, maize, jowar, oat, sorghum, areca nut, sugarcane, millets, coconut, cotton, cocoa, Tobacco, banana, cardamom, pepper, coffee, rubber, tea, vanilla, orange, amla, turmeric, green house crops, vegetable(potato) and fruits and all agricultural and horticultural crops


Mr. Green Potash is an Eco-friendly and safe fertilizer. It contains potash mobilising bacterial strain of Frateuria aurantia which dissolve insoluble potash from soil lattice to make it available to plants.
Potassium is essential in formation of starch and production and translocation of sugars. It plays a vital role in the formation of amino acids from ammonium ions for absorption by roots. It is also responsible for transfer of carbohydrates and proteins from leaves to roots. It regulates the permeability of cell membranes for uptake of nitrogen, phosphorous, calcium. It activates number of enzymes for photosynthesis.
Potassium deficient plants have a stunted and bushy growth, pale green new leaves while older leaves become light grey to light brown along the margins.
Our products assures CFU count of Min 5×107 cells per gm. Of formulation

Secretes growth hormones and encourages early root development.
Enhances the soil health and soil fertility.
It enhances the ability of plants to resist disease, pest attacks, cold and other adverse condition.
Improves quality of all crops and yield by 20 30%.
Makes grains of cereals plump and straw strong.
Reduces ill effects of excess of nitrogen.

Powder/Granules :
1Kg , 4 Kg.
Liquid : 500 ml, 1ltr.
Recommended Use: Suitable for all crops – Cereals, Pulses, Oil Seeds, citrus and other fruits, Vegetables, Spices, Condiments , Tobacco etc. It is of special value for sugarcane, potato and beetroot.


Mr. Green Bio NPK is a biological stimulant and inoculation. It is a liquid consortia of various bacterial strains- Azotobacter/ Azospirillum / PSB+KSB organisms which synthesise and assimilate atmospheric nitrogen, solubilise phosphate and potash and convert non available micro-nutrients into available form, thereby providing balanced nutrition to the crops. Our product assures CFU count of microorganism-1×108 cells/ml. Total viable count of microorganism 4×108 cells/ml.

Improves soil health and its pH also.
Increases utilization of ‘lock-up’ soil nutrients.
Increases number of grains, size and weight of grain and total productivity.
Improves germination with better root and shoot growth.
Reduces requirement of chemical fertilizers by 30% – 40%.

Powder/Granules :
1Kg , 4 Kg.
Liquid : 500 ml, 1ltr.
Recommended Use: Suitable for all crops- Paddy, Wheat, Maize, Sugarcane, Grapes, Pomegranate, Apple, Citrus, Vegetables, Cotton, Groundnut, Banana, Tea, Coffee etc.






Powder/Granules :
Liquid : Wkwkwk
Recommended Use: Wkwkkwk