Sai Bio Organics is presently in the field of bio-chemical and bio pesticides.


Tricho Shakti is a natural bio fungicide and growth promoter. It contains spores and mycelia of Trichoderma harzianum fungus. They are highly rhizosphere competing. It secretes lytic enzymes and invades plant pathogenic fungus leading to its death. Plant growth is due to supply of essential nutrients and water. It also solubilises manganese. It is used for foliar application, seed treatment and soil treatment for suppression of disease due to fungal pathogens Fusarium Rizoctoma, Pythium, Scalerotinia, Verticillium, Alternasia, Blister Blight.
Our product contains CFU Count of 2×106 min/Gm

Highly effective.
Eco friendly.
Recommended Use: All kinds of fields crop, floriculture, vegetables and plantation crops, Pulses-cowpea, moong bean, urad bean, Sesamum, Pigeon pea , Chilli Seedling etc.


Mr Green Neem Baan is neem oil based botanical pesticide which contains Azadirachtin, Triterpenoids and Limenoids. It is a broad spectrum bio pesticide. It works systemically as well as locally so is suitable for tree injection, root spraying (where roots are exposed) and as soil drench to control pests. It acts as anti-feedant, anti-oviposition, insecticide and repellent action.

Extremely safe to mammals, humans, non targeted organisms, pollinators, beneficial insects, fishes and birds.
Environment friendly pesticides.
Environment friendly pesticides.
Reduces the need of chemical pesticides.


NIMOLI- Neem oil containing 0.03%(300ppm) Azadirachtin.
NIMMO- Neem oil containing 1.5%(1500) Azadirachtin.
NIMMI – Neem oil containing 3%(3000) Azadirachtin.
NIMMI – Neem oil containing 3%(3000) Azadirachtin.
NIMMI SUPER – Neem oil containing 10%(10000ppm) Azadirachtin.
Recommended Use: Target Pests: Aphids, Jassids, White Flies, Leaf Miner, Hoppers, Beatles, Caterpillar, Thrips, Mites, cutworms, Soot and Borers including boll worms. . Target Crops: Cereals, Pulses, Oil Seeds, Fibres, Vegetables, Tubers, Beverages, Fruits, Spices and Floriculture, cotton, paddy, sugarcane, Millets, Tea plantations etc.